Spectacle Music Ltd

The works of Ian Lowery

Welcome to Spectacle Music Ltd. We are the music publishing company acting exclusively for the majority of the writings and recordings of the late, great Ian Lowery - one of the lost legends of music.

This includes selected titles from 1978-1990 and ALL works from 1990 onwards.

To learn more about Spectacle Music, click here...

Dec'77- Before The Wall
The Prefabs(feat. Ian Lowery)
May, 2024


Available from Bandcamp - here
Available from Amazon - here

Available to download from iTunes - here

More information

Spectacle Music has been involved in the release of many other recordings featuring Lowery's work. To find out more, click here.

View album reviews gallery here.

To find out more information about Ian Lowery, head over to ianlowery.com